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Tax Season 2017

By: Chris Benson, It's time to start working on your 2016 tax returns and there are some changes this year we wanted to share with you. First I'll cover some of the new features we are working on to help make filing your taxes a little easier this year...

Websites and Apps I use on a Regular Basis

By Chris Benson, I am constantly testing new websites or apps that I think might somehow make my life a little easier. Most of the time I find they don't live up to the promise and delete or stop using them. But every once in a while I discover something that ends up being a huge time saver. I thought it might be helpful to share some of my favorites with you and maybe you'll find something equally useful...

4th Quarter 2016 Market Review

By: Chris Benson, We preach the benefits of diversification on a regular basis. We tell you not to put all your money in one stock or one asset class because nobody knows what will happen in the future. Unfortunately holding a diversified portfolio isn’t always easy.

Having That Conversation

By: Lyle Benson, As many of you know, for the past two years my mother has been fighting a battle with dementia and sudden total blindness. That battle ended when she passed away just before Christmas last week...

Traditions and Change

By: Chris Benson, The holiday season always brings back a flood of emotions and memories. That first crisp winter day reminds you of the tree farm you'd venture to with the whole family to pick out the perfect Christmas tree...