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Two Factor Authentication

Don’t let the big name scare you, two factor authentication is actually quite simple. If you just use a password to sign in to a website, you are using one factor - the password. Having a strong password is good, but adding another factor is better. So what is the second factor? As Lifehacker points out in this article, the second factor is something you have - for instance your cell phone. Once enabled, the first time you log in to a website from a new device the site will send a code via text message to your phone. You type in the code and that’s it!

Use A Password Manager to Be More Secure Online

I do everything online. I shop, bank, share photos, communicate, watch video, listen to radio, read, book travel. I do almost all these things at websites that require me to log in with a username and password. So guess what happens if I use the same username and password for all these sites? Someone who steals that information would be able to access EVERYTHING!

It depends

Written by Chris Benson, There is no “one size fits all” in real world financial planning because everyone has unique facts and circumstances.