Record Retention - Some Basic Guidelines
Written by Rosemary Parkinson, According to federal and state tax laws, the length of time you should keep a document depends on the action, expense, or event that the document records.
Written by Rosemary Parkinson, According to federal and state tax laws, the length of time you should keep a document depends on the action, expense, or event that the document records.
Written by Chris Benson, Instead I am here to let everyone know that I recently received the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) designation from the AICPA.
By: Rosemary Parkinson, With state income tax rates continuously creeping up, many of our clients are considering a new state of residence. One increasingly popular "tax destination" is Florida. Forget about the nice weather, Florida has no state income tax! Florida has no estate tax!
Written by Chris Benson, It is very important for us to understand your risk attitude but there is another very important element to risk and that is risk capacity.
Written by Chris Benson, Many of our clients often struggle with the decision of when to start taking their social security benefits.
Written by Rosemary Parkinson, Although we're living in a time when charity must begin at home, it doesn't lower the ever-increasing tax bite.