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Weather Forecasting vs. Financial Planning

Written by Chris Benson, I have a confession - I'm a bit of weather geek. Mostly that manifests itself in the winter when I enjoy tracking potential snow storms. I've enjoyed snow since I was a kid and can still remember being the only kid watching the Weather Channel instead of cartoons for hours, before and during, big snow storms. Even though it's rare for a hurricane to impact us here in Baltimore, I also enjoy tracking and watching tropical systems develop.

Second Quarter Market Commentary

Written by Chris Benson, The final weeks of the second quarter were full of intrigue and volatility as the United Kingdom surprisingly voted to leave the European Union on June 23 and world financial markets reacted with a major sell off

10 Money Tips For New Graduates

Written by Chris Benson, What You Don't Know WILL Hurt You, Before You Invest, Build a Super Bowl Fund, Start Investing Early!, Don't Make a Deal With The Devil, Never Stop Learning, Insurance is NOT an Investment, Behave Yourself, Be Prepared, and Watch Out for the Wolves.

Who Are We?

Written by Chris Benson, Over the past 22 years we have helped our clients create, preserve and distribute their wealth. We have helped our clients plan for their own futures and now we need to plan for our own. In order to do that we first need to step back and think about why we do what we do, who we are and what we represent.